Fact-Checking Policy

At Operation Khabar, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable news to our readers. We understand the importance of factual information in shaping public opinion and fostering an informed society. Our fact-checking policy is designed to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity and transparency.

I. Commitment to Facts

  1. Verification Process: We employ a rigorous verification process before publishing any news story. Our team of experienced journalists and fact-checkers verifies information from multiple credible sources to ensure its accuracy.
  2. Primary Sources: Whenever possible, we rely on primary sources and official statements to gather information. If a story is based on unofficial or anonymous sources, it will be clearly stated.
  3. Attribution: We attribute information to its original source and clearly mention if a piece of information is based on speculation or opinion.

II. Correction Requests

  1. Reader Involvement: We welcome our readers to actively participate in maintaining the accuracy of our content. If you spot an error or discrepancy in any of our articles, please bring it to our attention.
  2. Correction Requests: Readers can submit correction requests through our dedicated email address: info[@]operationkhabar.com. In the subject line, please include “Correction Request” followed by the headline of the article in question.
  3. Information Required: When submitting a correction request, please provide the following details:
    • Your name and contact information (email and/or phone number).
    • The specific information in the article that you believe is inaccurate.
    • Credible sources or evidence supporting your correction request.

III. Correction Process

  1. Prompt Review: Upon receiving a correction request, our editorial team will promptly review the provided information and assess its validity.
  2. Investigation: If the correction request is deemed credible, we will conduct a thorough investigation, consulting original sources and cross-referencing information.
  3. Correction Implementation: If an error is identified, we will promptly issue a correction. The correction will be prominently displayed at the beginning or end of the article, clearly indicating the corrected information.
  4. Communication: We will communicate with the reader who submitted the correction request, acknowledging the correction and expressing our gratitude for their vigilance.


At Operation Khabar, we value the trust of our readers and take our responsibility to provide accurate information seriously. Through our fact-checking policy, we aim to foster an environment of accountability and transparency, ensuring that our readers have access to reliable news. We appreciate the vigilance of our audience in holding us accountable and pledge to act promptly on any credible correction requests.